We help you discover the real you, why you do what you, and your specific core needs. Take our unique assessment today and see the difference for yourself!
A detailed, personalized report that gives you a better understanding of yourself
and helps you achieve the results you desire, both personally and professionally.
Your top 10 core needs
based on your temperament and personality
Your specific strengths, weaknesses, and fears and suggestions for how you can be your best in any environment
A summary of how you respond in social settings, when under pressure, and your preferred response
7 Steps to a Better You including self-awareness, self-expression, and appreciating the uniqueness of others
By integrating these insights, you’ll not only receive a comprehensive overview of your personality but also unlock a multitude of benefits that can transform both your personal and professional life.
Your report will show your Temperament Assessment results and help you discover and understand your specific strengths, unique traits, and your core needs.
Our Temperament Assessment is based on scientific research and personal interviews conducted over four decades. Take our unique assessment today and see the difference for yourself!
Your report will also lead you through the various expressions of your temperament, how you relate to others, your preferred environments, and much more.
We have helped people from all types of backgrounds, including business professionals, startup entrepreneurs, teachers, students, consultants, families, and entire organizations. This assessment is ideal for those eager to gain insights into their personality and understand how it influences their behavior. Not only does it cater to individuals seeking personal growth, but it also serves as a tool in organizational settings, enhancing teamwork and communication among groups. And we are ready and qualified to help you! Take your assessment today.
However, it’s important to note that this temperaments test isn’t designed to measure intelligence or aptitude. It’s not intended for making critical decisions regarding hiring, promotions, or other personnel matters. Instead, think of it as a resource for fostering self-awareness and improving interpersonal dynamics.
The Four Temperaments Report has had an enormous impact on me personally and professionally. It has helped me understand the internal forces within and has equipped me to make better choices. The insights in this report have helped me to relate more effectively to those around me. Because of understanding the Four Temperaments, I am a better manager at work, a better husband at home, and a better parent to my children. Thank you, Four Temperaments, for putting this report together and clearly identifying the core building blocks of human behavior.
Adam J. – Husband, Father, EVP Finance and Operations(A) People are born blank (tabula rasa): Some believe that people start life as a “blank slate” (tabula rasa) and that the environment determines personality. (B) Temperament is inborn: This theory suggests that a person is born with a basic personality type, and that the inherent traits are developed according to that person’s response to their environment. Actually, ask any mother that has raised at least two children, and chances are that she will tell you that they were different from the beginning. For example, one child may have been very friendly and smiled at everyone; whereas, the other was always frightened when strangers were present.
No. It is possible, however, to behave in a way that does not represent your temperament, but this will always be temporary. A situation may require that you behave in a way that is not natural for you to act, but when the need has passed, you will once again act in a way that represents your temperament.
No. It is not a matter of “best,” but difference. It does not matter what temperament you are. What matters is what you do with what you are. Someone has said; “It’s not the size of the dog in the bite, it’s the size of the bite in the dog!” No matter what your temperament is, you can achieve as much success as your desire and natural abilities will allow. In becoming successful, however, your behavior will represent your basic temperament.
No. They are many factors that make up the total personality of a person. Temperament is only one of the many parts.
Yes. Each person will lead differently depending on their temperament. Notice: Cholerics and Sanguines will lead by inspiration. Phlegmatics and Melancholics will lead by example.
The precision of a temperament test largely hinges on the kind of assessment being utilized. Tests administered by certified professionals often provide more reliable outcomes, as they involve expert interpretation. However, self-administered tests, like those available online, can still offer valuable insights into your personality.
While not definitive, self-administered tests provide a useful starting point for exploring personal traits. They are best used as a tool for gaining initial insights rather than making significant life decisions. For more detailed guidance, consider consulting a professional coach for a comprehensive evaluation.
In sum, the accuracy of a temperament test can vary significantly, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right type of assessment based on your needs.
The duration of a temperament assessment test is typically around 10-15 minutes. It’s designed to be quick yet effective, ensuring accurate results within a short time frame.
By allotting about a quarter of an hour, you’ll be able to answer the questions thoughtfully, aiming for the most accurate insights into your temperament.
Over the years, many different terms have been used to refer to the four temperaments. The most frequently used terms are Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholy, and DISC. I prefer using Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy.
Each of these temperament types brings its own unique set of personality traits to the table:
Understanding these temperaments can provide valuable insights into personal interactions and team dynamics, helping individuals navigate both personal and professional relationships more effectively.
The Melancholy-Choleric is not a frequently found combination. While this might seem like an uncommon pairing, it’s important to explore what makes certain temperament types rare. In the realm of temperament assessments, the phlegmatic type is often considered the rarest among the population.
Characterized by a calm, cool, and collected demeanor, phlegmatics are sometimes viewed as the “odd ones out.” They represent only a small fraction of the population, making them particularly unique.
It’s worth noting, however, that different temperament tests can yield varying results. This variability means that while the Melancholy-Choleric combination and the phlegmatic type are both rare, their frequency might differ depending on the assessment method used. Understanding these nuances can offer deeper insights into the complexity of human temperament.
Our Temperament Assessment is based on the time-tested theory of the four temperament types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. This theory suggests that every individual possesses a unique combination of these temperaments, influencing their behavior and interactions.
To take our assessment, you’ll answer a series of questions designed to uncover your personality and preferences. Your responses will help us assign you a primary and secondary temperament type. This structured approach ensures that you gain a deep understanding of yourself.
Your report will show your Temperament Assessment results and help you discover and understand your specific strengths, unique traits, and your core needs. Our comprehensive analysis will guide you through:
Our Temperament Assessment is based on scientific research and personal interviews conducted over four decades. This robust foundation ensures that the insights you gain are not only accurate but transformative.
Take our unique assessment today and see the difference for yourself! Your report will also lead you through much more, offering a holistic view of your personality.